GeoHydroDrill Ltd. in the face of its associate experts has considerable experience in geological, and geotechnical studies for the needs of construction, industrial and civil hydro-remediation and hydraulic engineering facilities. This allows us to offer our clients the solution of these problems in a rational way by:

1. Preparation of assignments for the investigation of construction sites and linear facilities, taking into account the previous studies and providing only the studies and tests required;

2. Engineering geological studies with laboratory investigations and preparation of reports giving recommendations for the optimization of design and construction;

3.Laboratory studies of the physical-mechanical and strength-deformation characteristics of construction soils;

4.Field exploration methods – GeoHydroDrill Ltd. has the necessary equipment and can perform the following exploratory tests: dynamic and static penetrative tests, vertical electric drilling (VED), linear geophysical surveys using “GPR”, portable Rotenberger drilling equipment and auto probes;

5. Investigations and preparation of ground strengthening designs for special construction soils on which construction will take place;

The company’s “know-how” adopted for the solution of the listed tasks through the preparation of preliminary geotechnical expertise, enables the preliminary assessment of the risk phenomena and processes (landslides, collapses, sufosion, karst, etc.) in the respective areas, foundation and construction conditions. At the same time, the geotechnical expertise also provides preliminary data on the possibilities offered by the site (area) for the construction of its water supply facility.

The preparation of the expert report shall be based mainly on an engineering geological and hydrogeological survey, existing archive data for the area and, where necessary, specialised geophysical surveys. To solve the wide range of tasks related to engineering geological and hydrogeological surveys for the detailed design, in addition to the known traditional methods (drilling and exploratory excavation), the company also applies non-traditional methods, which significantly reduces costs. These are on-site investigations (penetrations, shears, etc.) and geophysical exploration methods. They make it possible to determine the geological structure of the earth’s base, certain deformation indicators of the construction soils (elastic moduli, Poisson’s ratio and, using empirical relationships, static moduli), to locate and evaluate the areas affected by physical-geological phenomena and processes such as landslides, karst, fault zones, degree of cracking of the massif, silting, etc.

Geophysical methods are also used extensively for groundwater prospecting, which saves labour-intensive drilling work, provides speed and enables to obtaining of practically continuous information about the area under consideration. The equipment at our disposal allows us to apply a range of geophysical methods:

1.Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) (classical variant by apparent resistivity);

2.Seismic profiling by the refracted wave method (FWM) with shock wave excitation;

3.Power line profiling (symmetrical with one or several power line divergences simultaneously, combined, dipole);

4.Natural potentials (NP) method;

5.Logging (by ? PR and by natural radioactivity);

6.Electromagnetic methods.

The programs developed by us for the processing of the information obtained in the field are by the requirements of the regulatory documents for our country and, if the client wishes, the requirements set out in international standards are also applied.

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