About us
“GeoHydroDrill Ltd. mainly operates in the fields of hydraulic engineering, environmental monitoring activities, activities related to the performance of engineering geological, hydrogeological, geotechnical and geophysical studies for buildings and facilities, consulting, development of detailed designs and construction of landslide strengthening, weak ground and foundations, construction of piped water supply boreholes and drains, sewage networks and facilities, design and construction of pumping stations, high-pressure water pipelines and water transmission systems, surveys and construction of landfills and hazardous waste disposal sites, mining technical studies designs and construction of infrastructure in the field of coal mining and ore extraction.
The professional qualifications of the company’s associates are provided by highly qualified and experienced engineers and master’s degree holders in engineering geology, engineering hydrogeology, engineering ecology, civil structures, mining engineering and hydraulic engineering.
The company’s leading professionals have specialized in various universities and scientific institutions, and the technical staff is highly professionally trained with practical orientation and accordingly licensed in various fields /specialities/.
The company provides its activities with consultations of Bulgarian specialists from the Academy of Sciences, the Mining and Geological University, Sofia University, VIAS and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
The company was registered in 2018 with the Bulgarian Commercial Register No. 204970780 and is a direct successor of GeoHydroConsult Ltd., which in turn groups the capabilities and material and technical support of its predecessor ET GeoHydroConsult with registration since 1998, and since 1998 is a member of BCCI, and since 2000 of the Bulgarian Chamber of Mines.
“GeoHydroDrill Ltd. is an organization that can work in a complete engineering cycle – design, execution and reporting of results with acts, protocols and reports until the commissioning of the objects.
“GeoHydroDrill Ltd is certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
The company is registered with the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria for the following groups of works:
Certificate II – TV 008109 – Group II: Construction of transport infrastructure according to Art. /construction from the third to the fifth category/
Certificate IV – TV 011405 – Group IV: works of the public works infrastructure, hydraulic engineering and environmental protection under Art. 5, para. 1, of the PRVVCPRS.
Certificate V – TV 017286 – Group V: separate types of construction and assembly works / separate types of construction works according to KID-2008, sector “Construction” with classes: 43.11; 43.12; 43.13; 41.20; 42.12; 42.13; 42.22; 42,91; 43.91; 43.21; 43.22; 43.29; 80.20; 43.31; 43.32; 43.33; 43.34; 43.39.
All activities shall be carried out by the laws, regulations, normative acts and documents in force in the Republic of Bulgaria and under the requirements of the investor.
Since its establishment, the company has proven its capabilities working with practically all types of entities operating in the Republic of Bulgaria – legal, state, municipal and private.
“GeoHydroDrill” Ltd. has all the necessary equipment, machinery and facilities to carry out complete engineering in hydraulic engineering.