Environmental projects



The environmental legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria requires the mandatory submission of a “Methodology for the application of best available techniques (BAT) for the industrial activities of new and operating industrial installations and facilities”, on the basis of which a complex permit for the construction and operation of new and the operation of operating industrial installations and facilities is issued by the Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW). Depending on the nature of the production activity, environmental monitoring is also required in a number of cases to record the extent of anthropogenic impact.

In this respect, GEOHYDRODRIL Ltd., as an independent expert company, offers its capabilities and experience for independent organization, implementation, completion of an application for a complex permit according to the methodology of the Ministry of Environment and submission of the “Methodology for the application of best available techniques (BAT) …” for a site to the Ministry of Environment, as well as optimal for the client planning and implementation of monitoring.

Competences of GEOHYDRODRIL Ltd The company and its experts are able to independently plan, organize and carry out complex projects in the following major areas:

  1. Preparation of “Methodology for the application of best available techniques (BAT) for the industrial activities of new and existing  industrial installations and facilities;
  1. Completion of an application for a complex permit;
  2. Preliminary environmental expertise of a natural site based on the assessment of available stock materials and published data;
  3. Full range of environmental studies (from field observations and sampling to final interpretation of analytical results) for the needs of preparation of documentation for water use permits, Old Pollution Damage Assessments, EIA reports or more specialized tasks;
  4. Defence of the projects and reports prepared before the MEEC (Higher Inter-ministerial Expert Council) of the MoEW;
  5. Organisation and conduct of monitoring.

The main capabilities of the company are in the field of hydrogeology, geoecology – soil studies, radioactivity, contamination of surface and groundwater, technogenic impact on the environment from industrial waste, waste management, water and sewage installations. On the basis of good partnership and contractual relations with leading experts in the field of meteorology and biology, the company has considerable experience in the organization of complex environmental expertise. Based on signed framework contracts with various analytical laboratories in the country, the company is able to organize environmental monitoring on various parameters (heavy metals, petroleum products, nutrients, radioactivity, etc.) of air, water or soil in different regions.

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